The Seal Conservation Society Affiliated Rehabilitation Facility list

The pinniped rehabilitation centres listed in the old website, and some new centres, are currently being contacted to see if they wish to be listed on this website page as centres affiliated with the Society. Centres who have not yet een contacted, and who would like to be listed, should contact the society directly at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Centres listed here will be those whose activities and methods are compatible with the aims and standards of the Society.


Port Elizabeth Museum, South Africa

The Museum responds to calls about seals and other marine mammals stranded ashore or in trouble in the vicinity of Port Elizabeth, South Africa. The centre deals primarily with Cape fur seals, Subantarctic fur seals and southern elephant seals. In cooperation with other local organisations, the centre responds to approximately 10 incidents per year of seals older than pups. Pup strandings are sporadic, occurring in only some years. When they do occur, however, large numbers of pups come ashore. In 2008 the centre dealt with some 200 pups.

Contact details:

Stranding response line:  +27 (0)7 17 24 21 22

Museum phone line: +24 (0) 41 584 0650

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Tara Seal Research, N. Ireland, UK

Tara Seal Research is a small consultancy in seal biology, behaviour and welfare. In cooperation with local Government organisations and volunteers, TSR carries out monitoring of local harbour seal haul-out colonies in Co. Down during the summer breeding and moulting season, responds to calls about seals stranded ashore in the Co. Down area, and cooperates with other local rehabilitation centres in ensuring their care. TSR rehabilitates  2–3 pups each summer, on a voluntary basis. Pup rehabilitation at TSR is combined with a research programme of developing a method of rehabilitation which mimics, as far as possible, natural pup development of free-ranging pups. The programme is geared towards maximising pup welfare and well-being both during rehabilitation and after release.

Contact details:

Tel: +44-(0)28-44-821107

Mob: +44-(0)7742-451852

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
