A genetic study shows that Californian sea lions may raise a pup that is not their own or adopt an orphan pup November 2010
A robotic seal pup helps to comfort sick and eldery human patients in Japan October 2010 (this is not strictly a discovery about seals, but interesting, nevertheless!)
Harbour seals use their whiskers to detect fish trails up to 35s old June 2010
Antarctic fur seals prey on king penguins in the open sea January 2010
'Missing' San Fransisco sea lions have probably migrated north to Oregon in search of food January 2010
Seals 'heat up' to help grow hair during their annual moult September 2009
Rare white juvenile elephant seal documented on sub-Antarctic island in Indian ocean May 2009
The fossil of an ancient seal from about 23 million years ago is discovered in northern Canada. April 2009
No advantage or disadvantage to fur seals of having blond fur December 2008
First evidence that seals use stars to navigate in open water July 2008
Extraordinary animals: Rio the cerebral sea lion U-tube video, July 2008
Walrus questions and answers May 2007
A captive sea lion grasps the concept of 'sameness' and remembers it 10 years later October 2002